The responsible Gaming App provides users the ability to set restraints to their Gaming activity.
Betway’s main objective was to retain their user base by providing them with alternative options to closing their account.
My Responsibilities
What We Did
- Competitor Analysis
- UI Design, Prototype
- AB Testing
Finding calm..
amongst the chaos.
The RG App’s aesthetic takes influence from Spa treatment branding, which was utilised to create a sense of calm for a user looking to Opt out from the Betway Experience.
Through AB testing this was proven to be a successful counter to the additional user steps created to encourage the user to choose alternative options.
Finding calm..
amongst the chaos.
The RG App’s aesthetic takes influence from Spa treatment branding, which was utilised to create a sense of calm for a user looking to Opt out from the Betway Experience.
Through AB testing this was proven to be a successful counter to the additional user steps created to encourage the user to choose alternative options.
The Discovery Phase
The team brainstorm and generate a broad set of ideas to establish project direction. Our primary goal was to reduce user account closures. So we included additional options which were still compliant with our regulations, but gave the user multiple options to control their gaming duration. I also wanted to portray a “calm” visual identity, inspired by Spa treatments and mobile “brain relaxation” apps, to follow suit with the options of “time out”.
- Analysing competitors in the field
- Ideation Workshop
- low fidelity sketching
- Interaction & Motion Design
- Brand Identity
Low fidelity Prototype
One example of many Prototypes developed to convey the user’s task flow end to end.